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Ultimate Testosterone Stack Stage 1
Axis Labs Ultimate Testosterone Stack Stage 1
Want to experience a smoking hot libido, increased strength, and a muscular physique – without blowing your supplement budget? This is your stack! The Ultimate Testosterone Stack - Stage 1 - offers two of the most powerful testosterone-supporting products you will find anywhere...period. This is the Axis Labs “dynamic duo” of pure testosterone performance. HYPERTEST XD helps to drive testosterone production and then "free it" for peak bioavailability. Simultaneously, MYODEX promotes testosterone production while helping to buffer DHT and Estrogen - the "spin off" hormones that contribute towards male pattern baldness and fatty deposits in men (like “man boobs”).
Before we can boost testosterone levels, we first must understand what is killing them:
Luteinizing Hormone Disruption, a.k.a hypogonadism
Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is the hormone released by the brain that turns "on" testosterone in the testes like a light switch. Due to aging and lifestyle choices, LH may be disrupted, causing the testes to produce far less testosterone compared to earlier years in life.

Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG), a glycoprotein, actually serves a good purpose for a while. Similar to a subway car, SHBG transports hormones, like testosterone, throughout the body and regulates their release. Thus, testosterone "on the subway car" is known as "protein-bound" and inactive. Protein-bound testosterone is referred to as Total Testosterone. Once testosterone is released from SHBG, it becomes Free Testosterone, becoming active. Unfortunately, some portion of Total Testosterone stays trapped in the subway car remaining inactive and that portion of the romance-igniting, alpha male hormone cannot do its job.

Men's bodies produce an enzyme called 5-Alpha Reductase. This enzyme converts testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT not only robs your body of usable, Free Testosterone, it is the primary cause of male pattern baldness and prostate inflammation, causing a need to urinate more frequently.

An enzyme called Aromatase converts testosterone into a more feminine hormone known as estradiol, the primary estrogen hormone. Elevated estradiol can contribute to the loss of muscle, plummeting sex drive, the creation of more fat stores, and unfortunately may result in the formation of dreaded gynecomastia, also known as "man boobs". The worst part is body fat begets estrogen and estrogen begets body fat - an ugly, vicious cycle.
The Good News! Most of what makes men feel like men requires testosterone. Testosterone regulates sex drive, increases lean body mass, solidifies bone density, boosts energy and contributes to a strong, confident demeanor. When health and confidence is concerned, testosterone is the king of hormones.
Increasing your testosterone levels are achievable safely without steroids (in most cases). To do this, we must first understand why testosterone levels are declining so we can reverse the process.
Addressing Testosterone Killer #1 – Increasing TOTAL Testosterone
Increasing Total Testosterone production from the testes is a result of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) being released from the pituitary gland in the brain. T-SYSTEM™ STEP 1 is a natural nutritional solution formulated to help boost the production of Total Testosterone in the body naturally. In an impressive human clinical study, the primary component in T-SYSTEM STEP 1™ was shown to increase testosterone an average of 46.8% in just 30 days. In this same study, according to the scale used to evaluate the effects of male aging ("AMS") they reported a whopping 60.7% decrease at the conclusion of the study.
Addressing Testosterone Killer #2 – Increasing Free Testosterone
Testosterone must be free to travel into the cell nucleus to turn on the genes necessary for muscle growth, sex drive, etc. T-SYSTEM™ STEP 2 is a precise blend of high quality ingredients to help Free Testosterone to be released from carrier proteins like SHBG.
Addressing Testosterone Killer #3 – Inhibiting Free Testosterone's Conversion into DHT
Inhibiting Usable Testosterone's Conversion to DHT Enzymes in the body, such as the 5-Alpha Reductase, converts your badly needed, "usable" testosterone into unwanted hormones such as DHT (responsible for hair loss). T-SYSTEM STEP 2™ was formulated to contain ingredients to protect usable testosterone from converting into DHT.
Addressing Testosterone Killer #4 – Inhibiting Estrogen and Conversion
Aromatase enzymes convert excess testosterone into estrogen, resulting in the much-dreaded side effect of gynecomastia (man boobs) and excess accumulation of belly fat. T-SYSTEM STEP 2™ was developed to contain ingredients that help to control estrogen, which would otherwise remain unchecked in the presence of rising natural testosterone.
Bottom line, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to fight the aging process with a vengeance. A strong, confident and romantic male is not only in your past, but also in your future. Interested in regaining your youthful strength and vitality? Now you know how!
Unleash Your Primal Male Today! Congratulations and Welcome Back to the More Vibrant You!
XTRACT - 80 Capsules
Axis Labs Xtract High-Definition Diuretic
XTRACT - Competition Strength High-Definition Water Loss Formula!
New precision formulated water loss agent from Axis Labs potentially shows results in as little 12 hours and helps with a shredded appearance in 72!* Whether you are a bodybuilder or figure athlete preparing for a competition or you need to lose additional pounds of subcutaneous water by the weekend, look no further than Axis Labs XTRACT.*
- - Water Loss*
- - Competition Strength*
- - Helps Gets You Ripped and Dialed-In*
- - For Both Men and Women
Introducing XTRACT; The only high-definition water loss product with our exclusive HyperDry Infusion formula. Now you may effectively experience:
- - What it's truly like to get ripped and dialed in*
- - Water loss that gets you dry and lean*
- - A shredded physique without losing competition strength*
Becoming "ripped" and "dialed-in" is an elusive yet much coveted state of aesthetic fitness. In case you've been living on another planet, "ripped" means lean muscles that ripple and bulge just below the skin with veins pumping and coursing like swollen torrents. Those who achieve this pinnacle of definition stand head and shoulders above the competition.
Although a strict dietary regimen can help to melt away unsightly body fat, achieving a truly jaw-dropping, "shredded" physique requires a maximum reduction of definition-smoothing subcutaneous fluids. Out of desperation, competitive athletes, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often turn to harsh diuretics. However, these harsh diuretics tend to strip the body of essential electrolytes which can result in painful muscle cramps, impaired nerve transmissions or worse.
HyperDry Infusion
Understanding this dilemma, Axis Labs was inspired to develop a safe yet highly effective fluid-management product. Their quest for an ideal product resulted in XTRACT. XTRACT achieves subcutaneous fluid and electrolyte management through the proprietary HyperDry Infusion and Electrolyte Infusion technologies.
Electrolyte Infusion
If you absolutely need to unveil your shredded muscle for a competition, lean up for a vacation or wedding, trust XTRACT to get you there.
Stack Xtract with CLA Softgels & Synthalean XD for boosted results. Manufactured to the highest standards for premium quality.