Double Rep it and Feel the Burn!

Double Rep it and Feel the Burn!

By Axis Labs Athlete Josh Black

Training rotations and methods often  should be switched up to ensure your body is continuing to be shocked, especially when you feel like you are hitting plateaus. When your body has adapted, and you are unmotivated to go to the gym.  Switching it up is a great way to revitalize yourself and your attitude towards hitting the weights and working towards your goals. A great way method to incorporate into your training is the double repetition method, (DRM).  It is a simple method to implement and very effective in developing muscular size and strength, as well as muscular endurance/conditioning. My trainer Jon Buettner introduced me to this method and has me use it in more of my high rep/volume sets, set of 10-15 reps, along with drop sets to keep the weight as heavy as I can. For example on wide grip pull down machine, I would complete a rep using the full range, then immediately come back down to a half the range of motion of the rep, then back up again.  I slightly pause on the bottom, the top, and at the end of the repetition squeezing the muscle and pushing as much blood as I can into the muscle and creating that burning and pump we all desire and are addicted to. This method really can be implemented into any exercise. A few of my other favorite exercises that I use the DRM are: leg extensions, dumbbell lateral raises,  and any kind of press movement.  My personal favorite, dumbbell incline chest press.

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