Are you over training?

You hear it a lot, "be careful not to over train".  What does it really mean to over train your body?  I know I have been hearing it since the day I started lifting.  I have been hearing it and truly used to fear what this terrible over training thing could be.  Constantly I would look for the signs of over training and concern myself over whether or not I could be falling victim to this muscle slayer.  "If you are over training you are eating away your muscle", "Over training will kill your gains", and "Most people are over training" are just a few of the things that I would hear.  So what is the truth about over training?

There are a couple things that you need to pretty much guarantee that your risk of over training is minimal to none and I will discuss both of them below...

1) Food.  If you are fueling your body with enough food, it will become very challenging to push your body to unsafe or un-recoverable distances.  Food will play a vital role in making sure that you have enough glycogen to push through your sets and your reps, enough fat to make sure that your hormones are running full steam and enough protein to make sure that you are able to recover from the damage that is caused during working out.  Giving your body a consistent ample amount of calories with the proper macronutrients will put you at a very low risk of over training. 185zunrlgqoayjpg 2) Sleep.  If you are giving your body enough sleep each night/day, then you are going to put yourself in a position to recover well from brutal workouts.  Sleep is so under rated by bodybuilders and it has tremendous benefits.  It is during sleep that you are able to regenerate your hormones like testosterone and growth hormone which are absolutely crucial for muscle recovery and growth.  a solid 7-9 hours per night will put you at a very low risk of over training. man-sleep-good-how-much-300x200 Truth is, you don't need to be too concerned about over training.  The body is designed to handle a lot if we just simply take care of it as we would anything else that we put through the ringer.  Eat well, eat often and sleep enough to make sure that you don't fall victim to the ever so feared over training. HYPER TEST XTR
